Thursday, May 24, 2012

Place, Pace, Perspective

New place, new pace, new perspective.
It is an axiom I find helpful. Sometimes when I am writing, or working on a project, I find it helpful to find a new place, somewhere other than my office or our home. The new place literally and figuratively provides a new perspective. The different surroundings awaken me to new insights. New people remind me of the vast array of human beings, each with their own perspective on life, which certainly is not the same as mine. It reminds me that my way of thinking is just that, my way of thinking. It is not necessarily “right”, nor should I assume others will embrace it.
A new place also provides a new pace. Leaving the office, or even our home, seems to slow me down. Perhaps it is because things are unfamiliar and I have to be more conscious of my surroundings. Whatever it takes, slowing my mind down is a good thing.
For some people I am speaking a foreign language. For them familiarity is the key to perspective and insight. The same place, at the same time, and the comfort and security that comes with knowing where everything is inspires some people. It is a personality thing.
This year we live in a new place. Memorial Day weekend will be different here.
On Memorial Day weekend in Traverse City our church attendance grew with visitors who had second homes in the area or who had chosen Traverse City as a weekend vacation destination. Our own members didn’t leave, where else would you want to be on an early summer holiday weekend? In Chicago we are having only one service due to the great exodus.
It is supposed to be in the 90’s this weekend in Chicago. Where can we go to beat the heat? How much of a hassle will it be to get to a beach?
In Traverse City we were perplexed by which beach, lake, or beautiful spot to choose.
In Traverse City we could work around the house in the morning and still get to the beach in five minutes for the rest of the day. In Chicago it will be a little more challenging.
One place is not better than the other (although some would no doubt disagree), they are just different.
God calls us to a place; a city, a country, a job, a school, a ministry, a church, a team, a....(put your own words here).
When God plants us somewhere we will flourish there. Every experience may not be great. We may miss people, or places. In every new place there will be a new pace and a new perspective, which is God’s way of helping us to grow. When God plants us somewhere we will flourish, even if it means flourishing in difficulty, pain or trials.
Place, pace and perspective are God’s unique gifts to us.
No matter what place you find yourself in this weekend, I pray that you will slow your pace and open yourself to God’s perspective. And remember the purpose of the thanks for the many who have offered their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom to have a long weekend!

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