Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year because it has maintained its dignity and purpose. A time set aside to give thanks for God’s many blessings to us has its origin in the agricultural culture of Old Testament where God’s people were encouraged to have a celebration after the harvest to give God thanks for His provision.

Those of us who believe in God and His overwhelming grace continue that tradition. Whether in worship services, or around our own family tables or both, we will acknowledge that all we have and all we are is a gift from God.

So, spend some time thinking about God’s gifts to you and expressing your gratitude. Following is my list of things for which I am thankful, which is not exhaustive, but for some reason are in my heart and mind today.

Family: Becky and I both have our mothers alive at age 85+. They both have some challenges, but they are both relatively healthy compared to their peer group. We will gather with a portion of Becky’s family at her mom’s house on Thanksgiving. My mom will celebrate with my niece and other extended family in Michigan. We don’t anticipate any family drama or tension, which apparently is unusual!

Christian Community: We are surrounded by a wonderful community of people on a journey with us to be God’s presence in this world. I have been able to reconnect with some long-time Christian brothers. We get together to laugh, solve the world’s problems and share life regularly. They are a blessing in my life. We are part of a congregation that has welcomed us and enveloped us with the love of Christ.

Colleagues: I am grateful that I work with some very talented and deeply committed people who bless my life regularly with their gifts and talents. I learn something from them every day as they share insights, challenge my perceptions, and cheer each other on in the work we do.

Prosperity: We live in the land of plenty. When we step back and reflect on our place in the world, we have been blessed beyond comparison. Our nation is not perfect. However, I thank God for this place where I live, for the freedoms I am afforded, for stores with an abundance of food, for transportation systems that enable travel, for recreational opportunities that abound and for technology that enhances life.

Choices: I am grateful that I get to make choices. There is a lot of whining about stores opening on Thanksgiving for shopping. People believe it interrupts family time and rest. My perspective is: “just because a store is open, doesn’t mean I have to go!” I get to make a choice as to how I will spend my holiday. My choice will be worship, family, food and football! Other people can make other choices and God bless them as they do!

On this holiday weekend, remember the author of all we have and all we are and give Him His props!

God bless!

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