Rev’s Reflections
Awaiting Approval
How much of my life have I spent awaiting approval? I have a love/hate relationship with approval. Like many, I crave approval. I want to be accepted, liked, and approved of, but I usually deflect compliments and affirmation because I find it embarrassing…it makes me uncomfortable. As an athlete I craved the approval and affirmation of my coaches, which motivated me to be the best I could be. As a student, I worked hard and exceeded requirements to receive the approval of my professors. I want my wife to approve of me as a husband and my kids to approve of me as a father and our congregation to approve of me as a Lead Pastor.
Seeking approval leads to a performance mentality. If I am only seeking to receive approval, then I may adjust to simply meet people’s expectations rather than living out of an authentic sense of who God has created me to be.
When Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin to justify their ministry in Acts chapter 4, they declared that they were to please God and not man. I believe that philosophically. It is just hard to live out practically.
God has approved of us. He thinks very highly of us. He doesn’t approve of everything we think, do or say. But He approves of us. We are His children whom He loves so much, He sent His Son to die on our behalf. We are the people about whom He says:
“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God…” (I Peter 2:9)
I may be awaiting approval for my debit card. I may be seeking your approval. But I/we Have already received God’s approval, and we really don’t need anything else!
Oh, by the way, the screen at the grocery store eventually said: APPROVED!
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