Thursday, October 20, 2011

God is Colorful!

Rev’s Reflections

I am sitting in my office as I write my reflections today. I have big windows that face both North and West. My desk is situated in such a way that I can look in either direction. As I look out my window this morning, the sky is dark gray, the trees are blowing in the wind (supposedly gusting to 40 or 50 miles per hour) and the rain is falling...sideways. When I walked in from the parking lot this morning it was cold and damp. The raindrops felt like pellets when they struck my face. My technical word for a day like this is: “Yuuuuuuch”.
This weather stands in stark contrast to last week’s. On Saturday I drove back from Michigan in near blinding sunlight. It was windy and the temperature was only in the 50s, but it was fine inside my car, and God was putting on quite a show outside. Trees were turning color. The various hues of red, yellow, and orange and all shades in between, created a beautiful tapestry that was breathtaking. I found myself gaping on several occasions and not really paying attention to my driving, which may be how my speedometer inched closer to 80 than 70!

There are few man-made creations that can match the splendor of leaves turning in the fall. When people ask what I miss about Northern Michigan, fall would be one of my answers. Of course there was always a downside to fall. In Northern Michigan the turning of leaves was followed immediately by long, harsh, and snowy winters. That I won’t miss.

The beauty of creation and all it’s splendor are examples of what we call God’s common grace; God’s gifts that are available for all people to enjoy and benefit from regardless of their spiritual state. The splendor of fall colors seems to be God’s response to the Psalmists words: “Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.” (Psalm 66:1-2) Clearly the earth is shouting and singing to God’s glory and everyone, regardless of their faith perspective is taking notice.

It is harder for me to acknowledge God’s grace on a day like today. Cloudy, rainy, windy and dark days don’t inspire me. But God’s grace abounds.

I am surrounded by gifted, committed and highly motivated teammates at work who are energized by their opportunity to serve God and his people.

I am meeting new congregants daily who are encouraging and supportive of my initial efforts in ministry at ECRC.

I am part of a congregation that is making an impact for God on people of all ages. 

The Holy Spirit never fails to guide, direct and correct my life. (I just need to be a bit more attentive.)
Eternity is secured for me through my faith in Jesus Christ, which allows me to live boldly for him every day.

It may be cloudy, dark, rainy and windy outside, but I have every reason to celebrate God’s grace, mercy and love. I refuse to let the weather impact my attitude and my outlook on life. Yuuuuuuch be gone!

This week in worship we will continue our focus on The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus presents a huge challenge: “Love your enemies.” He really can’t mean that I have to root for the Packers can he?

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